#ProtectThePollinators Tour

Dear friends,

You may remember I recently mentioned we would be launching a cross-country tour to help #SaveTheBees.

Well...it's that time! I would like to invite you to join me and author Paul McKay on our Protect the Pollinators Tour that kicks off March 17th in Victoria and will see us visit cities and towns across Canada to talk about pollinators, pesticides and what we can do.

[NOTE: Paul McKay is author of “The Kepler Code” a chilling exploration of a planet deprived of pollinators by pesticides. He is also sponsoring the tour through his company Simpatico Song and Script. The Kepler Code is available in print, electronic and audio versions here.]

The Protect the Pollinators Tour will include a series of public meetings with beekeepers, farmers, academics, and environmental advocates, as well as individual Canadians concerned about the fate of bees. It's a great opportunity for anyone who wants learn more about the issue.

We have videos, beekeepers, expert speakers...we even have (DRUMROLL) our own Tour T-Shirt!

We've got it all--the only thing missing is you, so be sure to check it out.

My first big road trip was in a 1964 Plymouth named “TERM” -- from the Ann Charters biography of Jack Kerouac. She said he had embarked on a path that drove him “To the Edge of Ragged Madness”. At 23, that was pretty cool.

But rather than running to ragged madness, this trip is about ending the madness that threatens our ability to grow food, and survive.


Ironically, the justification for this chemical madness is the same desire to produce enough food to feed everyone.

The chemical industry wants us to believe we have no choice; it’s their way or the highway. But the science tells us otherwise--that farmers don't need these chemicals at all!

The science also tells us we're not just killing bees and pollinators, but other insects too. And we're also killing birds and aquatic life.

The scientists tell us we could be creating a Second Silent Spring. It's madness.

Unfortunately, we have to get out on the road to cut through the chemical high, and wake up federal and provincial regulators.

You have made Sierra Club Canada Foundation’s #SaveTheBees campaign one of our most successful programs ever, but we still have a long way to go.

Come out and celebrate your success and talk about what is next. I am sincerely looking forward to meeting you in person.

For more information, just click on the town nearest you:

Perth, Tuesday March 10th
Victoria, Tuesday March 17th
Vancouver, Thursday March 19th
Vernon, Saturday March 21st
Calgary, Monday March 23rd
Edmonton, Tuesday March 24th
Saskatoon, Thursday March 26th
Winnipeg, Saturday March 28th
Brampton, Monday March 30th
St. Catharines, Tuesday Mach 31st
Windsor, Wednesday April 1st
Kitchener-Waterloo, April 7th
Sudbury, Thursday April 9th

Please note -- information coming soon for the following locations:

  • Toronto
  • Ottawa
  • Kingston
  • Montreal
  • Fredericton
  • Halifax

If you’d like to help out but can’t volunteer the time, please consider making a small donation. We'll put every penny toward the bee tour.

John Bennett, National Program Director
Sierra Club Canada Foundation
1510-1 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
John on Twitter / Bennett Blog

CLICK HERE for more information on our #SaveTheBees campaign