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Fresh water in its many forms is an integral core of what most of us deem to be Canadian. From thundering rivers, mighty glaciers and the land of endless lakes - all as undeniably Canadian as maple syrup, hockey and universal health care in our imaginations. This comfortable image may no longer be assured. Looking at a map of our vast nation, Canada appears well endowed with water. Critically, though, less than half of Canada's fresh water is available for use by most Canadians. Sixty percent of our fresh water flows north toward the Arctic, while 85 percent of us live in a narrow band along Canada's southern border.
Canadians are now facing a new water reality. We can no longer take our water legacy for granted. Pollution, urban sprawl, overuse, and poor management are conspiring to create water scarcity in many regions of Canada. These threats to our water are further compounded by climate change. In many regions, changes are taking place much faster than we anticipated. And these changes are playing havoc with the hydrological regimes that underpin the fabric of our communities and support Canada's remarkable ecological wealth. Given these pressures, Canadians, and the governments they elect, must ensure they are acting as effective stewards for this most precious natural resource.
Sierra Club of Canada is committed to working with citizens to conserve and protect Canada's hydrological heritage. Actions include: encouraging water conservation as a key government policy and as a key part of people's daily lives; discouraging diversions of water and water export to other regions; encouraging stronger standards and policies to enhance water quality; promoting a national water strategy and a greater federal focus on water; and developing the concept of a "right to water" within Canada and abroad.
For more information on Sierra Club Canada's Water campaigns, or to find out how you can help, please check out the links below.
Great Lakes
Water Conservation
National Water Strategy
Water Exports
Water Quality