Plastic Free July 2022 Wrap Up

Our third annual Plastic free July has finished and I want to thank everyone who joined us in the challenge. Whether you had a plastic free picnic, joined us for the Twitterstorm, hosted a clean up in your community or made some changes to plastic use in your household — we appreciate your hard work! 

We ended off the month with a beach clean up at Cherry Beach in Toronto. We had a great turnout and beautiful weather! Thank you to everyone who came out! 

The top items we found during the clean up were cigarette butts and plastic bottle caps. 

In just over an hour, we were able to collect and recycle [through Terracycle’s free UNSMOKE Cigarette Recycling Program] an entire bag of cigarette butts.



REMINDER: You don’t need a large group to get out and clean up an area in your community! Just grab some supplies and start picking up garbage. We also have this document to help if you are interested in hosting a clean up in your community (ENG / FR). 

I hope you enjoyed the activities and learned something new. If you missed any of the activities — don’t worry! You can still access the calendar & all of its resources here (ENG / FR).

We know avoiding plastic is no easy task. In many instances it’s next to impossible. The challenge is about limiting waste when and where you can and pushing for action from the government & policy makers that supports the reduction of waste, a circular economy and the protection of our environment.  

We’ve seen great progress from lawmakers this year, but we know this is only the beginning. The work doesn’t stop here. Let’s keep it going! 

What can you do?

Stay up-to-date with plastic pollution action!

- Check out your municipal or county website to find out what they are doing. Make note of the issues you encountered in July and contact your municipal leaders to get them addressed.
- Follow us on social media: Facebook & Twitter
- Sign up for our Ozone newsletter to stay up to date with action and news in Ontario.

Thank you again to everyone who participated with us. We really enjoyed hosting the challenge and are excited to continue taking action against plastic!

Lastly, I want to thank TD Friends of the Environment for supporting this campaign! We greatly appreciate your support. 


Lucy Bain
Problem with Plastics Coordinator

Local Chapter: